La utilización de protectores auditivos o In Ear Monitores es la protección más eficaz para evitar una pédida auditiva precoz

Other Hearing Problems In addition to hearing loss or hearing loss, other problems can result from repeated exposure to loud sounds. Hyperacusis: Intolerance to habitual sounds that are perceived as too loud or painful. Tinnitus or tinnitus: Listening to noises without a source that produces them. They are the typical beeps that we all hear at some time. Dipoaclusia: distortion of the sound frequency, perceiving the same tone differently in each ear. Vertigo: Dizziness and discomfort derived from damage to the ear. Experts recommend the use of earplugs, created and designed especially for musicians, which can reduce sound by 10-30dB.

However, some of the musicians who participated in the study claimed that they found it uncomfortable to use, or even that they did not believe that music could cause any damage to their hearing. As in the case of muscle injuries, prevention is also key in hearing loss. Especially in the workplace, in this case in orchestras. It is about making us aware that this problem exists and remedying it before it becomes something serious.

Hearing loss in musicians

Musicians, whether vocalists or instrumentalists, are subjected to high noise levels. Hearing loss in this guild is among the highest in the world.

Musicians are subjected to sound levels between 80 dB and 110 dB on a daily basis. To give you an idea, the pain threshold is set at 120 dB. The maximum recommended level in a work environment is 85 dB. Only the sound of a double bass can exceed 80 dB, with which all musicians are exposed to dangerous sound levels for our health on a daily basis. According to the study MUSIC-INDUCED HEARING LOSS (HIM), THE OTHER SIDE OF MUSIC Evaluation of hearing in musicians of a Provincial Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Lic. Graciela A. Larregui, hearing loss (hearing loss) is related to the family of instruments (we show the graph that you can find in this same study) The fact of rehearsing within a group or individually also influences. According to the study “Effects of Noise on Classical Musicians” carried out by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Medicine, while orchestra rehearsals negatively affect 41% of musicians, only 18% are affected during individual rehearsals. According to the study by Larregui that we have already mentioned, 78% of the musicians who participated in said study did not present symptoms of hearing problems after individual practice, compared to 18% of the orchestra musicians.

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